Industry Best Practices for the MERN Stack


An Interview with  Software Developer,

The MERN stack is a popular web development stack used by many businesses today. To gain insights into the industry best practices for the MERN stack, I interviewed Software Developer  who has extensive experience working with the MERN stack.

Here, let’s look at the best practices follow when developing applications in the industry.

Proper Planning and Architecture

According to Software Developer having a proper plan in place is crucial for any MERN stack project. He emphasized the importance of deciding the project's scope, requirements, and architecture before starting the development process. "It's essential to have a clear idea of the project's goal and to select the right technology stack to avoid unnecessary development costs," he said.

1.      Proper Planning

Proper planning is an essential best practice for building applications using the MERN stack. This involves taking the time to define project goals, requirements, and timelines before starting development. By establishing clear goals and requirements, you can ensure that the final product meets the needs of your users and stakeholders.


To achieve proper planning, He mentioned create a detailed project plan that outlines the following:

·        Project goals and objectives

·        Requirements for each component of the application

·        Development milestones and timelines

·        Resources needed for the project (team members, tools, and technologies)


2.      Architecture Best Practices

He emphasized Some architecture best practices for the MERN stack include:

·        Scalability – can increase user requests.

·        Separation application into layers.

·        Security

·        Reusability – designing applications with components. 

Code Structuring and Organization

Software Developer believes that code structuring and organization are critical to the success of any MERN stack project. He recommends following a consistent code style and using modularization to break down complex code into manageable pieces. "It's also important to adhere to naming conventions and to keep the codebase well-documented," he added.

1.      Code Structuring

Code structuring refers to the way organize the files and folders that make up your application's codebase. Proper code structuring is important for making it easy to find and modify code, and for avoiding issues such as naming collisions.


To achieve proper code structuring,

·        Use a consistent file naming convention.

·        Organize files into meaningful folders.


2.      Code Organization

To achieve proper code organization, He mentioned these best practices:

·        Use consistent naming conventions for variables, functions, and components to make it easier to understand

·        Break long blocks of code into smaller parts.

·        Use comments to explain the purpose of code.

Testing and Debugging

When it comes to testing and debugging, Software Developer stresses the importance of writing unit tests and performing integration testing. He also suggests using debugging tools to identify and fix bugs quickly. "It's essential to test and debug regularly to ensure that the project is on track and to catch issues before they become critical," he said.

1.      Testing

To achieve proper testing, should consider following these best practices:

·        Write unit tests for your code to verify that each component functions correctly in isolation.

·        Write integration tests to ensure that different components of your application work correctly together.


2.      Debugging

Debugging is the process of identifying and fixing errors in your code. Even with thorough testing, it is common to encounter bugs or errors in your application. Proper debugging practices can help you quickly identify and fix issues in your code.


He gave some best practices for debugging code:

·        Use a debugger to step through your code and identify the source of the issue.

·        Use logging to track the flow of your application.


Deployment and Maintenance

For deployment and maintenance, Software Developer recommends using a cloud platform like Heroku or AWS. He also suggests using a CI/CD pipeline to automate the deployment process and ensure consistency across environments. "It's crucial to have a reliable deployment process and to perform regular maintenance to keep the project up to date".


Here are some best practices to consider when deploying MERN stack application:

·        Choose a Reliable Hosting Provider

·        Implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.

·        Monitor Your Application.

·        Use a Production-ready Server -  use a production-ready server such as NGINX or Apache.

·        Keep your dependencies up-to-date.




In conclusion, Software Developer shared some valuable insights into the industry best practices for the MERN stack. Proper planning and architecture, code structuring and organization, testing and debugging, and deployment and maintenance are all critical to the success of a MERN stack project. Following these best practices can help ensure that the project is on track and meets business needs.

Thank You.


Hi, I'm a software engineering undergraduate student at SLIIT, eager to learn and grow in the field of technology. With a passion for programming and problem-solving, I am constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to apply my skills and knowledge. In my free time, I enjoy staying up to date with the latest advancements in technology and experimenting with new programming languages and tools. Through my studies and personal projects, I have developed a strong foundation in software development and am eager to continue my growth as a software engineer.

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